Saturday, December 8, 2007

Project discription: SLA goes "Green"

I'm sure people are going want to know what we are actually trying to do, our goals, and such...


Mission Statement
The mission of my Individualized Learning Plan is to research sustainability, zero carbon, and green building and to use that knowledge to help SLA become a more green school.

Dream Goals
My big goal is to research the different types of sustainability, green fuels, building green, and carbon neutral to get a better understanding of it all. With this information I hope to figure out the best way to get SLA off the grid and get us to have the least amount or no waste. Also I want to document the whole journey so maybe it will help get other schools and businesses to go green as well and raise awareness that this is an issue.

Learn about carbon neutral and figure out the carbon footprint of SLA
Learn about different alternate fuels and see if SLA can run on any of them
Set up a recycling program
Figure out other things I can do to make SLA green
Make either a website/blog to document this journey

What Success Would Mean to Me
Success for me would be to learn about; sustainability, carbon neutral, green power, how it all works and what goes into making decisions about what kind to use. Also getting SLA as green as possible, even if it is only figuring out our CO2 footprint, setting up a recycling program, and getting our lights turned off when we aren’t using them.

How does this work?

So I set this up a week or two ago and haven't had much time to play around and figure out how it really works. Or if this is really what we are looking for for this project. Maybe this just turns into my journal for this project and then we have another web based site that is for everything else? Must play around a bit more to find out everything blogger does...