Tuesday, April 22, 2008

TIME magazine's special environment issue

In the spirit of Earth Day I decided I was going to spend some time catching up on my reading and really working on my ILP. The first thing I picked up to read was the new issue of TIME magazine. I have to say when seeing the cover I was very excited about reading it and expected the articles to be very good. After reading it though I was not blown away as much as I thought I would be. Now maybe this is because I have read so much about our fight against Climate Change. However I felt that TIME magazine made such a big deal about this issue, changing the border color, Good Morning America talked about it, and yet the article wasn't anything special. Most of it talked about what was going on politically and on the big scale. Which yes ok that is the view that they give to everything. I guess I was just expecting them to add a little bit more so that this issue really hit home to people. It talked on and on about laws and what the government was trying to do or should do, and yet hardly anything about what we, the US, as a population can do. Not even a mention of writing to our government. And there was no statistic in it that I found really hit home, that this issue was something we need to deal with ASAP. It also went on about cap and trade for most of the article and the last part was on more research money and demanding better efficiency. I really wish they would have spent more time talking about actual fixes to our problem and less on cap and trade and offsetting. We are still polluting when we off set, we are just making ourselves feel a little better about doing so.

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