Saturday, March 21, 2009

Green Leaf: post-consumer paper

So i have decided i'm going to start a weekly entry with quick easy tips on making your life more green. I'm going to call them Green Leaves so that if you put them all together it is like making a green tree full of green ideas. 

This first green leaf is about post-consumer paper. For all your printing and photo-copying needs (ok all office paper needs really, but we will start with the printers and photo-copiers) try and have at least 30% post-consumer paper. Post-consumer paper is just as bright as normal virgin paper, so get all the rumors about it not being out of your head. Post-consumer paper is also much more environmentally friendly. It takes much less energy and resources to make than virgin paper. Further more there is no bleach and other harmful chemicals in it like virgin paper. You can get it at all your local office supply stores as well so you don't even have to go out of your way to get it. It is true it is a little more expensive, but you'll feel good about doing something healthy for the earth! Here are some links to stores: Office Max 30% (if you want to go even further: Office Max 100%) and  Staples 50%  (or for 100%). 

Don't forget to then recycle your paper when your done with it!

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